On Friday, November 11, I had the opportunity to attend a red carpet event at the Rail Event Center. This wasn't just any red carpet event, it was one of only five that happened in cities around the U.S., featuring actors from the "Twilight" series and a showcasing of three out of 19 bands on the "Breaking Dawn part 1" soundtrack.
Salt Lake City was lucky enough to be a part of the "Breaking Dawn" music event. Well, maybe lucky isn't the right word. It would make sense being that since Stephenie Meyer graduated from BYU and we are just a hop, skip and jump away from L.A., where the world premier of "Breaking Dawn," was happening a mere three days later. Nonetheless, I still think we were lucky.
I arrived at the Rail Event Center at 3 p.m. and waited outside until the musicians and actors began arriving. Being on the press side of the carpet, I felt pretty damn cool when I looked across the red carpet and saw hundreds of screaming fans pushing through each other, trying to get to a spot that would allow them just a glimpse of some of the people who play their beloved "Twilight" characters.
It seemed to take awhile for the actors to arrive, which came as no surprise to me, but being that it was November in Utah, it was getting pretty damn cold. I had the chance to interview two of the three musicians from the soundtrack who were playing later that night. I spoke with Lucy Schwartz and Aqualung, who collaborated on a song for the soundtrack.
Not too long after speaking briefly with the musicians, the fans began screaming with a newfound fierceness. And that's when the actors began unloading.
Nikki Reed, Peter Facinelli, Ashley Greene, Charlie Bewley and Jackson Rathbone were the actors that stopped in Salt Lake. I was especially excited to talk to Jacksono Rathbone. The professional in me hates to admit it but I totally have a celebrity crush on him. Not so much as how he looks when he plays Jasper Hale in "Twilight," but his normal, dark, curly-haired, dimpled-smile-self. And to top it off, Rathbone is a musician as well. One that can play at last count, at least six instruments. Be still my heart.
I was pretty nervous to talk to Rathbone and when he stopped in front of me on the red carpet I kind of lost sight of what I was supposed to be saying. At least, in my head. Despite being a blubbery mess on the inside, I was on top of my game. I asked questions that made sense and allowed him to open up about his career. He talked about his music and that he plans to direct and produce over the next year. Jackson Rathbone is about as smooth and polished as a politician. He is articulate, looks you in the eye (which is pretty intimidating considering how they are this insane shade of bright green) and does not falter in his answers. The next thing I knew the red carpet interview with Rathbone was over and he was whisked away to do television interviews.
I was on a total adrenaline rush and it felt good. I knew that I would have more face time with Rathbone a little later on, when I would interview him more in-depth about his music career and his band, 100 Monkeys.
Later, when I did that interview, Rathbone and I were sitting down in a private room with his publicist, the PR rep for Summit Entertainment, and my best friend Steph, who was there working as my photographer.
The interview lasted a total of six minutes. He talked about being an actor and a musician, the difficulties of being an artist in this day and age and even quoted Bukowski. It was a wonderful interview but I realized that afterwards, my celebrity crush was a bit diminished. I still find Rathbone to be super attractive and enjoy his music, but, now I have a bit of insight into the person behind the celebrity. He seems like a really great one, but, you know, sometimes the fun of crushing on someone you have never met is the not knowing. You get to picture them to be exactly how you want. And now that I have met Jackson Rathbone, I realize that he is so talented, so intelligent and so attractive, that anyone who is in a relationship with him, would probably be trying to keep up with him all the time. And well, I kind of like the idea of someone trying to keep up with me instead.
Read the full music article here and check back for info on Nikki Reed and Charlie Bewley
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